Kupwara: The Jammu And Kashmir Police foiled the biggest infiltration bid of the year on Thursday. The Kupwara police gunned down five LeT terrorists who were trying to border along Kupwara. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), the Kashmir Zone Police reported that they initiated an encounter in the Machil Sector after receiving specific information. As the operation continued, the police confirmed the elimination of 5 terrorists. They also mentioned that the search operation was ongoing.

“Three (03) more terrorists of LeT killed (Total 05). Identification being ascertained. Search operation in progress. Further details shall follow,” police said. Earlier the Indian Army said that it along with the Jammu and Kashmir Police foiled an infiltration bid along the Line of Control (LoC) in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district.  

In a post on X,  the Srinagar-based Chinar Corps wrote that In a Joint Operation launched by the Indian Army, Jammu Kashmir police and intelligence agencies on October 23, an infiltration bid has been foiled by alert troops along the LoC in the Kupwara sector.

#KupwaraEncounterUpdate: Three (03) more #terrorists of LeT killed (Total 05). Identification being ascertained. Search #operation in progress. Further details shall follow: ADGP Kashmir@JmuKmrPolice https://t.co/qOMWE0M3uh
— Kashmir Zone Police (@KashmirPolice) October 26, 2023

It is the 13th infiltration bid of this year foiled by security forces in Jammu maximum of them were foiled in the Machial sector and Poonch, Rajouri area. Around 31 infiltrators have been killed including today’s five infiltrators. 

Meanwhile, Jammu and Kashmir Police Chief Dilbagh Singh said, “On the other side of Kupwara LOC in POK there are at least 16 Launching pads of terrorists active along with multiple terrorist camps, this POK area is infamous about terrorist activities and terrorists present there are currently desperate to infiltrate in Kashmir Valley before the onset of winter.”

Related:  Our mission will be over when Gilgit-Baltistan, PoK reunite with India: Rajnath Singh

DGP Dilbagh Singh said the anti-infiltration grid and intelligence network of the entire Kupwara district is very strong and due to these efforts today’s operation was also being conducted successfully.

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