SRINAGAR: The security forces have killed two infiltrators in an ongoing encounter in the Machil Sector in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district, said police on Thursday. Taking to the micro-blogging site ‘X’ Kashmir Zone Police wrote, “Based on a specific information provided by Kupwara Police, an encounter has started in Machhal sector in which two terrorists have been killed so far.” Operation underway. Further details shall follow.” 

Based on a specific information provided by Kupwara Police, an #encounter has started in Machhal sector in which two #terrorists have been killed so far. Operation underway. Further details shall follow.@JmuKmrPolice
— Kashmir Zone Police (@KashmirPolice) October 26, 2023

Earlier, the Indian Army said that it along with the Jammu and Kashmir Police foiled an infiltration bid along the Line of Control (LoC) in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district.  

In a post on X, the Srinagar-based Chinar Corps wrote that in a Joint Operation launched by the Indian Army, Jammu Kashmir Police & intelligence agencies on October 26, an infiltration bid has been foiled by alert troops along the LoC in the Kupwara sector.

It’s the 13th infiltration bid foiled by the security forces this year in Jammu – a maximum of them were foiled in the Machil sector and Poonch, Rajouri area. 

Around 28 infiltrators have been killed including two in today’s operation.

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