In a statement, a BSF Kashmir spokesman said “During the year 2022, based upon BSF Intelligence, several joint operations were successfully launched in synergy with sister agencies, resulting in neutralization of 20 terrorists (10 Local & 10 Foreign Terrorist), apprehension of 02 confirmed terrorists and 03 suspected persons and recovery of a large quantity of war like stores including AK series Rifle 24, M series 02, Pistol/Revolver 20 along with their accessories, and arms and equipment like Grenade 27, more than 2500 live Rounds along with 02 Kgs of Explosives, IEDs 04 and around 11 Kgs Narcotics.
The spokesperson further added that apart from anti-terror activities BSF in Kashmir worked for the welfare of society too. He said “BSF engaged youth in skill development and helped border population through various Civic Action programs including Free Medical Camps, Blood donation Camps, evacuation (Airlifted) of civilian patients from snow-bound areas. Adding he said, “Sports & Cultural activities, Pre-recruitment training for youth from border (LoC) villages were also organized, and More than, 6200 persons were directly benefited from these activities during last year.”
BSF also contributed immensely during Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra 2022 to establish a tight security grid ensuring the protection of pilgrims. For all these selfless services 11 BSF personals were recommended for the award of Jeevan Raksha Padak in recognition of their prompt, dedicated, compassionate and intelligent handling of the situation under the extremely stressful and emergent situation, he added.
BSF Kashmir Frontier, IG Ashok Yadav, said, “We are always there to serve the people of Kashmir, and guaranteeing their well-being is our first and foremost responsibility.” This is in keeping with the BSF’s commitment to the people of the Kashmir Valley.
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